Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Weight Loss Saga

Why does losing weight have to be such a battle. I can stay motivated for a while, but then I throw all care to the wind and consume large quantities of chocolate chips without a second thought. And this is after I have worked really hard for 4 weeks and lost some serious poundage. I just don't get it. I think my body likes being at my current weight and starts to rebel when I threaten it. You would think that (a) being the fattest person in the exercise classes I attend, (b) having a class reunion this summer, (c) telling myself I look like a barn every time I pass by a full-length mirror, (d) having a person I thought was fatter than me pass on a pair of her pants that were too big for her - would be big motivators. But no...chocolate chips jump in and blur the vision I had of my skinny self without fail. Every time I watch a commercial with delicious food on it, I go into stage 1 of the grief cycle knowing I can't possibly ever eat it without feeling copious amounts of guilt. I guess I'm doomed. . .Maybe if there were a Weight Watchers fairy that put a new pair of shoes under my pillow (who cares that you couldn't sleep!) every time I lost a pound? Or, if my colleagues were to stand and clap and throw confetti upon my entrance each morning when the scales had been good to me. Maybe a picture of my cellulitic belly posted on the chocolate chip package? What is it going to take???

1 comment:

  1. You have made so many beautiful things and you seem to go to such beautiful places! I really think our bodies sabotage us and won't let us relinquish a nice comfortable weight.
