Thursday, September 17, 2009


Last night for Young Womens, we went over to a ward family's house to clean. They have 5 kids and the 2 youngest are autistic. We had heard the mom was feeling overwhelmed and needed some help. The house did need some serious cleaning, but while we were there the oldest of the 2 autistic boys was there and needed constant attention. He pushed a screen out the window, threw things, was yelling and generally causing trouble. I could totally understand why this woman had no time to clean her house. This child needed constant attention! I think the other one had already gone to bed.

When I got home, I told Paul that I would much rather have the trials that I have had than have hers. I felt so bad for this poor woman and keep wondering what else we can do to help her. My plan is to make her dinner once in a while and take it over. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me beautiful, healthy, teachable children and grandchildren!

1 comment:

  1. Now that was a good post. I wasn't going to say anything but your first posts were a bit.....weak. Just kidding. That's neat you guys went over and helped her and want to keep doing so. And before you give too much thanks for great grandchildren don't forget about Hannah. :)
